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Decorating My Room + Tips

I had a hard time choosing a name for this post cus ‘decorating’ just did not sit well with me. All I did was move my stuff to my new room and arrange everything, and my only new addition was the Ikea Kallax shelf but I still wanted to share it and ‘arranging my room’ also sounded wrong so here we are.

Anyways, just so this is not just a before and after picture post, I’m going to list all the steps I take each time I move into a new room and I move a lot so best believe I’m qualified to give you tips. I summarised it into five steps.

Step 1: Sketch a blueprint of the room.

I do most of the picturing in my head but my mind’s eye is just as blind as my normal eyes so things get jumbled when I picture it in my head. Writing or drawing is my go-to method of visualising anything. The blueprint sketch isn’t always how the room turns out but it helps me optimise space and know if I can add any other furniture or not. You don’t want to buy furniture and find out there’s no space for it.

Step 2: Pick a colour theme.

I used what I already had for this room but in the case that you’re buying new things, you’d need to have a colour theme. For my room, I picked my signature colour- grey.

For my room, I picked my signature colour- grey. Now, this doesn’t mean everything you buy has to be grey. I like the idea of having pops of other colours like a yellow throw pillow, or a dark green throw blanket but I haven’t tried that yet. I usually just fluctuate between white and pink; they always complement grey.

Step 3: Inspiration!

Once again, this was an impromptu move so I did not really look at any inspo picture for this, but normally, I spend hours on Pinterest, Youtube, and Google looking at rooms that have my decor idea and searching things like, ‘what colour sheets should I have for dark walls?’, ‘how can I arrange five frames?’ This is usually one of my best steps and the most tempting cus you think you’ve gotten everything you need and then you see a vintage snow globe you never knew you wanted.

Step 4: Wait!

This has to be my most important step. I see a lot of people designing their rooms and they do it as their orders arrive. I hate itttttt. I hate it so muchhhh. You just see the room gradually change and one day your last order comes and you put it and you don’t notice anything different. I love all my things to be available by the time I start decorating my room. I NEED it to go from 1 -100 right before my eyes, not 1,2,3,4,5,6,...100.

Step 5: Play.

Once everything you need is available, it’s time to start arranging. This is going to be an entire post on its own so tune in. It’s basically going to be the steps I take in putting everything together. Trust me, you don’t want to do your bed before your walls.

So yeah, these are the five steps I take from when I start planning to move to a new room till when I finally put everything in place.

Now to the before and after pictures.


Fun fact 1: I painted the moon on the wall, the Yearning frame is a DIY too. I used stick-on letters from the dollar store.


Fun fact 2: I painted the stone on the wall.


Fun fact 3: I painted the brown frame on the wall. See clearer picture below.

FUN FACT 4: I literally just hung those leaves there to get them out of the way and ended up leaving them there as decor.

FUN FACT 5: That duster thing in the vase is in fact not a duster. It was a DIY Pampas grass that obviously failed.

It took so long that I just don't have it in me to throw it away.

Okay, so I wanted to keep this post short and skipped a lot of other things. I think I would be writing another post to cover everything that I brushed over here.

I would like to know your thoughts or if there's any questions or suggestions you have in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!



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